Inspiration Quotes and Daily Thoughts on Living a Better Life

Consciously understand and determine the path of your life

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

10 days of Inspirational Quotes & Thoughts: Day 4

I've decided to finish out working through some awesome quotes before I get into my journey that took me through Guatemala and Honduras for the last ten days or so. It was an adventure and experience that I will definitely never forget - and one that I look forward to sharing. So today's quote is definitely one of my personal favorites and one that many people who feel like they have been "unlucky" throughout their life should take a second to reflect on and think about.

"The harder I work, the luckier I get" - Samuel Goldwyn

Initial Thoughts: Working hard and committing yourself to something you stand behind is the first step towards catching breaks or getting "lucky". Yes, some people truly do get lucky and win millions in the lottery, or are simply born into a very privileged family. Some may consider those folks as being lucky. But even considering those lottery winners or flat out lucky people is really taking this quote out of context.

Digging Deeper: Many people feel as though they just can't catch a break and are destined to fail because they simply have "bad luck". Well, that is crap and just isn't true. Now, if that is your mindset and you've given up on overcoming these challenges that coincide with bad luck - then you most likely will continue to experience such unfortunate times. It goes back to a previous quote I have covered, "I think, therefore I am." If you think you are just an unlucky person, chances are your fortunes will not be desirable.

Getting to the essence of the quote, it's about putting yourself in a position to achieve results that are to your liking, that meet your goals, and that get you closer to the ideal life that you would like to live. Working hard does not go unnoticed, whether you are on a competitive team in a large corporation - or trying to establish your own business in your local community. It's really amazing what you can do with some intense focus and hard work. People will notice.

What to Walk Away With: In life, it's simple, it's those that commit to working hard that wind up successful. It's those folks that are viewed by the younger generations that think to themselves "wow, that guy is lucky to be able to travel the world" - but chances are, that guy has put in years of hard work in order to achieve goals that ultimately lead to a place in life that many people will never get to and that many consider to be "lucky".

1 comment:

  1. You've got style, class, bravado. I mean it. Please keep it up because without the internet is definitely lacking in intelligence.SELF IMPROVEMENT


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