Inspiration Quotes and Daily Thoughts on Living a Better Life

Consciously understand and determine the path of your life

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

10 days of Inspirational Quotes & Thoughts: Day 2

Day 2 of discussing an impactful quote! I am trying to develop a community of readers by providing some insight into positive thinking and consious living - and the impact those to things can have your life and its overall state of happiness.

"I think, therefore I am"

Initial Thoughts: Here is a very simple quote that simply relates your conscious thoughts to forming who you are in reality - linking your thoughts to reality. We've all heard and said as a child "you are what you eat!" - well the same holds true in life relative to your thoughts - You are what you think!

Digging Deeper: This quote is famous not just because it is simple, but because it is so very true if you believe it. So much of what we do on a daily basis is dependent upon our frame of mind and the overall health of the thoughts that we are processing in our brains. It ties into the importance of brainstorming and visualizing how an important test, big presentation, or a much anticipated date will go in your head before it actually happens. If you are nervous, lack confidence, or don't believe in yourself - well let's just say the chances are slim that this event will go exactly the way that you desire. IF, you visualize the successful outcome of the event and believe in yourself, this hot date or big presentation already has a much better chance of turning out in your favor. Your behavior and overall life circumstances are a direct consequence of the thoughts that you have - because your thoughts are the basis for making decisions.

What to Walk Away With: Knowing that you are in control of your life and the decisions you make is important to understand. A basis of values and principles by which you live your life is a must, but it begins with your frame of mind. On one token - it's turning your way of thinking when something bad happens to you into something that doesn't affect your overall being and character. How do you think - When someone angers you? When someone steals from you? If you feel as though you have been wronged? If you feel like you have been dealt a bad hand? At these potentially negative points in your life, you think and you are responsible for your actions.

The other side of the token is overcoming daily challenges at home, work or elsewhere in your life. It's thinking that you can overcome and succeed - then TELLING yourself how you overcome and succeed while envisioning the end goal coming into fruition.

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